1. Pass - Tokens

In the first pass a source file is sliced into a chain of double-linked objects of base-class Token. While token creation, the start and end position of a token is preserved as a SourceCodePosition object within each token.

In contrast to ordinary parsers, pyVHDLParser preserves cases, whitespaces (space, tab, …), linebreaks and comments.

Condensed definition of class SourceCodePosition:

class SourceCodePosition:
  """Represent a position (row, column, absolute) in a source code file."""
  Row :       int = None    #: Row in the source code file
  Column :    int = None    #: Column (character) in the source code file's line
  Absolute :  int = None    #: Absolute character position regardless of linebreaks.

Condensed definition of class Token:

class Token:
  """Base-class for all token classes."""
  _previousToken :  Token =               None    #: Reference to the previous token
  _NextToken :      Token =               None    #: Reference to the next token
  Start :           SourceCodePosition =  None    #: Position for the token start
  End :             SourceCodePosition =  None    #: Position for the token end

  def __init__(self, previousToken : Token, start : SourceCodePosition, end : SourceCodePosition = None):
  def __len__(self):

  def PreviousToken(self):

Example of a VHDL Entity

Source code:

entity myEntity is
  generic (
    constant BITS : in positive := 8    -- 1 Byte
  port (
    signal Clock : in  std_logic;  -- $IsClock:
    signal Reset : out std_logic   -- @Clock: generated reset pulse
end entity;

Token Stream:



The 3 comments have been preserved and are shown in lime green. Please also note the preserved positions in the last column.

Simplified Double-Linked List:

digraph Tokenize { rankdir=LR; node [shape=box]; n1 [label="StartOfDocumentToken\n"]; n2 [label="WordToken\n'entity'"]; n3 [label="SpaceToken\n' '"]; n4 [label="WordToken\n'myEntity'"]; n5 [label="..."]; n6 [label="EndOfDocumentToken\n"]; n1 -> n2 -> n3 -> n4 -> n5 -> n6 [dir=both]; }

Source: TokenStream.vhdl