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The main idea is to provide a unified tool to collect all necessary version information from a configuration file, user defined parameters, version control systems (e.g. Git) or environment variables. Especially the latter ones can be tricky in CI environments, as every CI service uses different environment variables. .. topic:: Planned features * read template from ``STDIN``. * add C++ example * add VHDL example Use Cases ********* * Integrate version information from e.g. Git into current builds Supported Version Control Systems ********************************* * `Git `__ * `Subversion (SVN) `__ (planned) * more to come Supported CI Services ********************* * `Appveyor `__ * `GitHub Actions `__ * `GitLab `__ * `Travis-CI `__ * more to come Supported Languages ******************* * Any language Tested with ... *************** * ANSI C * VHDL Examples ******** * ANSI C Example * VHDL Example .. _CONTRIBUTORS: Contributors ************ * `Patrick Lehmann `__ (Maintainer) * `and more... `__ .. _LICENSE: License ******* .. only:: html This Python package (source code) is licensed under `Apache License 2.0 `__. |br| The accompanying documentation is licensed under `Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0) `__. .. only:: latex This Python package (source code) is licensed under **Apache License 2.0**. |br| The accompanying documentation is licensed under **Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0)**. .. toctree:: :caption: Overview :hidden: Installation Dependency .. raw:: latex \part{Main Documentation} .. toctree:: :caption: Details :hidden: Usage VersionControlSystems CIServices Languages .. toctree:: :caption: Templates :hidden: templates/index templates/ANSI-C .. toctree:: :caption: Examples :hidden: examples/ANSI-C examples/VHDL .. raw:: latex \part{References and Reports} .. toctree:: :caption: References and Reports :hidden: CommandLineInterface Python Class Reference unittests/index coverage/index Doc. Coverage Report Static Type Check Report ➚ .. raw:: latex \part{Appendix} .. toctree:: :caption: Appendix :hidden: License Doc-License Glossary genindex Python Module Index TODO